Managed Cybersecurity Services To Keep Data Safe
Bad actors are everywhere. CTMS is here to help you navigate the technology landscape confidently with quality IT security solutions.
Hackers are restless and resourceful, and cyberthreats come in many shapes. Businesses in any industry are vulnerable to cyberattacks without the proper threat intelligence and incident response tools to prevent exploitation. There’s also the question of resources—who has the money or flexibility to onboard an in-house security operations center when there’s a deal to negotiate or a new property to purchase?
Computer Technology Management Services (CTMS) saves you valuable time and resources with our managed security services. We take your information security seriously, defending your network with high-quality cybersecurity tools that cover every aspect of your organization. From email security and mobile device management to cloud hosting and disaster recovery measures, we support you with industry-leading risk management and data security tools for long-term peace of mind.
Cybersecurity can be tricky to tackle alone. CTMS has over a decade of experience with business IT and can help you create and implement an effective security plan from scratch.
When you send an email, you need to be sure the right person receives your message—especially if you’re sharing important documents like business proposals, invoices, or other reports with sensitive data.
CTMS improves your private email support with public key cryptography, multi-factor authentication, and more. We understand that knowledge is power and do everything to keep your data security posture intact. Our experts educate your team on safe email management techniques, using simulated phishing campaigns and in-person discussions as opportunities to inform employees about security best practices.
Whether you work at a healthcare center, legal firm, or government agency, you can rest assured that we have the encryption resources to automatically detect and remedy information security threats. No vulnerability is too hidden for our experts to fix.
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